Thursday, January 7, 2010


He cried almost silently,
And slowly. A tear would fill his eye,
Drop to a cheek, quiver trembling for an endless eternity,
And fall to the ground.
And then he'd start again, perhaps punctuated by a gasping breath
His arms wrapped tightly around himself, not allowing anyone near.

I sit, helpless, aching for his pain,
But unwilling and unable to find the words to ease him
By taking the blame, yet again...
Unwilling, for fear of trapping myself within his circle of sadness.

And so stay, we two, tensely balanced,
Somewhere between despair and despair,
Perhaps this is our only solution.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why in creating webpage you have to follow 60% of content and 40%of creativity or design?

In creating webpage you make sure that you have to follow the 60% content. because content is the most important we can see in our webpage. The second is the creativity or design because it give life in our webpage......

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What is the impact of internet in education?

Internet gives positive and negative impact to educators. in such a way that can easily research topics without exerting more efforts, and if they will abuse using it like ruins their interest in studies. especially to students who are found of playing games or nasty thing in the internet. we all know that internet is use by the students, teacher and other person. In the internet we can learn more advanced. because internet is a world wide web, so we can explore and research all i need in learning as fast as you can.........